DNA testing estimates the “degree of relatedness” between individuals rather than filling in names in a tree but it can point the investigator in the right direction to break down those pesky brick walls - if the analysis is both organized and comprehensive. In this presentation we’ll briefly compare the five major companies commonly used today, illustrate different approaches to organizing and analyzing results, overview the newest exciting analytical methods developed in the last year, and then apply DNA results to several case studies. Handouts will include a reference list for blogs, webinars, charts, YouTube videos and other resources in this fast-moving field.
After a career as a laboratory research cell biologist, Sandy has been working with DNA in a genetic genealogy setting since 2011. She is particularly interested in helping genealogists who have received their “DNA results” and “matches” but have no idea how to work with them. She also moderates the monthly Chelmsford Genealogy Club’s DNA Special Interest Group.