In this presentation, you’ll learn about genealogical numbering systems. The numbering system familiar to us today was invented centuries ago but is still widely used and very versatile. The Ahnentafel (people-table) presents your family pedigree in a portable format and it is easily publishable so you can share your work. It’s a very useful tool to add to your genealogy toolbox.
Peg Plummer is known in the area as a presenter with an eclectic range of genealogy topics in her tool bag. She enjoys coaching individuals and groups to a greater understanding of tried-and-true genealogy skills. Peg is a past-
president of ESOG, and a member of MSOG and ACGS. She’s also outgoing corresponding secretary of the Sons and Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury. She’s working on her descent from Jane Walford, an accused witch of Great Island, New Hampshire, through three of her daughters. Peg also moderates a DNA Special Interest Group.